Endlich eine 6teilige Zweihandserie die in den Koffer passt.
Featuring all the same details as the 4-piece models but offer the possibility to easily fit into a travel bag when needed. Extremely lightweight by all standards. 13’ #8/9 rod weighs only 182gr! Actions are based off the curves in the 4-piece models, but the feel in the rods will differ slightly from those, given the fact that they have more ferrules. New slightly improved shape on DH grips in higher line weights.
- Elevation DH T-PAC 12’ #7/8 - 6pc
- Elevation DH T-PAC 13’ #8/9 - 6pc
- Elevation DH T-PAC 14’ #9/10 - 6pc
- Elevation DH T-PAC 15’ #10/11 - 6pc